Blood Pressure Self-Management Program

New sessions begin: in February, April, August & October 2025


According to the American Heart Association, an estimated 122.4 million American adults have high blood pressure, which puts them at higher risk for stroke and heart disease, two of the leading causes of death in the United States. Of those adults with high blood pressure, one in three adults are not aware that they have it.  

The good news is that you can lower and manage your blood pressure by making lifestyle changes, including being more physically active and eating a healthier diet. When you enroll in the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program, you’ll work with a Healthy Heart Ambassador who will support you as you make these lifestyle changes to improve your heart health.  

During the four-month program, participants will aim to: 

  • Measure and record their blood pressure at home at least two times per month, gaining increased awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure 

  • Attend two personalized consultations per month with a Healthy Heart Ambassador 

  • Attend monthly Nutrition Education Seminars 



Research has shown that blood pressure self-monitoring is an effective tool for reducing and managing blood pressure.  

The YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring program is designed to help participants realize the following benefits: 

  • Reduction in blood pressure 

  • Better blood pressure management 

  • Increased awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure 

  • Enhanced knowledge to develop healthier eating habits 



To participate in the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program, participants must: 

  • Be at least 18-year-old 

  • Be diagnosed with high blood pressure 

  • Not have experienced a recent cardiac event 

  • Not have atrial fibrillation or other arrythmias 

  • Not be at risk for lymphedema 




The Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program is free to YMCA members. Financial assistance is available for non-members who wish to participate 



If you are ready to enroll in the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring program or if you have additional questions, fill out this interest form or contact Asia McCaskill, our Health Equity Director, at [email protected] or 918-728-3934. 

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